
Board of Directors & Membership


DCLC is overseen by a volunteer Governance Board.  Elected annually, the Board of Directors is made up of a skilled, compassionate and knowledgeable group of individuals who, through a mix of their professional and community experience, ensures the Clinic is poised to serve the ever changing needs of its community.

DCLC is always looking for interested members of the community to serve on its Board or Board Committees.

Membership forms are available here.

Board of Directors:

Dave Musgrave, President

Sharie-Ann Campbell, Vice President

Ramana Sivapathasundaram

Owais Hashmi

John Paul Rodrigues

Michelle Davis

Nicole Sexton

Parin Shah

Shay Babb

Dr. Akeem Stewart

Annual Statement

Responsible Stewardship

DCLC is aware of the trust our community places in our services.  Our values and practices are based on transparency and community-driven needs.  We are proud to adhere to the standards and best practices developed by Imagine Canada, Legal Aid Ontario, the Law Society of Ontario and Canada Revenue Agency.  Our annual report outlines the successes and momentum of the Clinic over the last year; while our audited financial statements reflect how we have managed our resources to meet community needs.  Director compensation can be found on the Charity Return link below.

Charity Return