
Financial Eligibility

  • DCLC may offer summary advice to any person, regardless of income levels.
  • DCLC is funded by Legal Aid Ontario and can only help Durham Region residents.

If your main source of income is one of the following, then you automatically qualify financially for our service:

  • Ontario Works (OW)
  • Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP)
  • Old Age Security Pension with Guaranteed Income Supplement
  • War Veterans’ Allowance
  • Canada Pension Plan (if a CPP application where CPP is the primary source of family income)
  • Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) which are temporary or threatened

Please Note:

  • Financial eligibility is primarily based on family size, family income and assets owned.
  • To qualify, you are requested to bring in proof of income; photo ID; and the most recent letter pertaining to your claim in order for us to assist you. Any other relevant information; such as previous letters or your doctor’s name and contact information will also be helpful.